Sunday, March 23, 2008


When we were kids, Kristen must have announced that peeps were her favorite Easter candy. I don't know why, those little things are nasty!!! From that point forward, they were always included in our Easter baskets from everyone (Grandmothers & Aunts too). As adults, my mom still puts a little candy out for Easter for us. Not a basket for each of us, just a community candy stash. The past few years it has been only Peeps! What the heck happened to the rest of the Easter goodies? No chocolate bunnies, no jelly beans, no anything but Peeps! Should I suggest yet again to my mother that perhaps Kristen is the only Peep-lover in the family? We will see what today's goodies are and then I must conference with Mom. Oh and now that Peeps are made for other holidays (Halloween, Valentine's Day etc)....we get them then too!

I am excited Holly and her mother are having Easter with us at Mom's. My dad is grilling ribs, so I hope the weather will be nice so we can dine out on the deck today!


finicky said...

Hmmm. I don't like these annoying littel peeps either. Check this out:

By the way, I just discovered that "peeps" must also mean "friends" too.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

yes, "peeps" = many meanings

Nat D said...

peeps are nasty. but they are really cute. I made khaki's kids easter baskets this year, and thought for a minute that maybe I should include some peeps but decided that since I thought they were nasty her kids should think so too. I'm so un-fun!

Jud said...

Just trying to keep the connections straight - Kristen is your sister? Do you have any other siblings?

You hate peeps? Ya'll are all weird.

Gotsta love the peeps!

Finicky, your link was funny. Try this one out, too:

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

yes, Kristen is my sister and I have another sister, Kelly. Kristen secretly told me yesterday she hasn't like dPeeps for many years!!! I feel even more cheated now.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

Natalie, how is baby emily?

Jud said...

That is kind of funny that neither of you liked the Peeps! My dad like malted milk balls and they would disappear rapidly from our baskets.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

malted milk balls are yummy!