Sunday, August 31, 2008

update is we are still ok, apparently


where the heck is Jim Cantore?????????????????? does he need to stay in spanish town? i have a guest room now!

gustav cont.

Yesterday was spent playing cards (which I won as documented in photo)

and drinkin at my place with KK and GB. Mike O was in town for the LSU game so he came by. Went to Red Star and Happy's. Photos taken at red and GB and KK with Mike. PB met us out for a bit but was extremely late so we were trashed upon his arrival...sweet!

Storm is now looking pretty serious. I went to help my parents bring in lawn furniture, plants, etc. Now back at my place for an abbreviated hurricane party before heading back to parents where I will "ride out" the storm with my peeps.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hurricane Party Blog #1

all is well in has started. My apt and no one wants to be documented at this and btw...k keen and GB in photos....


Green Bean and I made what I thought would be a quick trip to the market for Gustav booze...not so much. Apparently everyone in the city of Baton Rouge decided to visit the Albertson's on Government Street at the exact time we did. It was complete chaos in there! Children screaming and running unsupervised, empty shelves (other than liquor dept...only reason we were there. Oh, and cards and batteries too). Panic central here in BR, La!!!
We are set with tons of vodka, sprite zero, beer, red wine and blueberry vodka for GB, which she refers to as blueberry muffins. KK is on her way to my place. She stayed at Mom's last night since I did have to work this morning. I am very excited to see her and potentially spend DAYS with her!
Should be a pretty chilled next few days as we sit and wait for Gustav's arrival. Will spend the remainder of Saturday and all of Sunday watching football, fixing cocktails and playing some cards, maybe scrabble too. I hope everyone is as prepared.
Oh, and LSU win #1 for 2008 season!!! Go tigers. It was such an early game, earliest one ever played in Tiger Stadium. It just meant the students had to bump up drinking start time to about 3:00AM with a 10:00AM kickoff. The early start didn't seem to deter any fans. It was a packed house. Sold a little pizza too, not so bad. I did get a chance to tailgate for an hour or so last night with Cousin Will and some of his buddies since I knew I would miss out today. Was fun as I attended with PB although he may think I am insane now. Tentative plans with PB for later in the day...not sure how I will incorporate that in with my girls...have to think about that one.

Happy weekend all!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sunglass Swap

with Darren Scott and Josh Robinson at Friday Happy Hour...Red Star...nothin' like blooging at a bar!


There is almost too much news that I don't know what to blog about...
1. Kristen evacuating NOLA early and in town as of 10 minutes ago. CAN'T wait to see her when I get off of work!
2. Hurricane Gustav and the great possibility it will make landfall Wednesday somewhere near me.
3. The long list of things that need to be done for work and personally to prepare for this gigantic storm.
4. The first LSU home game being moved from a 4:00PM start time to a 10:00AM start because of contraflow plans in place for the storm! This was to be our first game to sell pizza by the slice to all of the pizza-loving Tiger Fans. Carell, Dan and I have spent countless hours preparing for tomorrow so it is quite a let down :(
4. I will see PB tonight, I am fairly sure.
5. Oh and did I mention K Keen is in town???

CORRECTION: I DO have to work!!!! blah, yuk, boo, piss, darn, dang, damn!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Heart My Friends!

After a crap crap crap day, I have friends coming over to listen, talk, eat and possibly drink to make everything better...makes me smile how much I love all of them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I was just returning a work call and got this woman's voicemail recording...

"Sorry, I am out with Elvis. Catch you on the flip side"...what the heck is that about?

I had just taken a sip of water and almost spit it all over my desk when I heard it.


Often lately in conversation bacon has come up. It started at breakfast with Boyd and Rhodes several weeks ago at Superior Grill. Rhodes looked like he was in love with his plate when the bacon arrived. Rhodes refers to bacon as "God's Meat". Don't know if I would go that far...went so far as to say he would put a strip of bacon in his beer if it were readily available in bars. Same conversation occurred the following Saturday, again at Superior Grill for brunch. Will and Sheridan accompanied us that particular day. Will thought the conversation quite funny. He repeated it the next day to all who joined us at Mom's for Sunday dinner. He can imitate Rhodes perfectly. Funny! Fast forward a few days, I meet Nat Rat at Red Star to have some cocktails and conversation. Rhodes joined us later. I don't remember exactly how the bacon conversation came up that night, but it did. They tag teamed me. Nat Rat screamed "JK, how can you not like bacon???" "I love bacon". Rhodes was chiming in something about "God's Meat" or "Oh My God, it's the best stuff ever!". I never said I hated it or didn't eat it. I certainly don't buy it; I have on a rare occasion purchased turkey bacon (was told that is not bacon!) but I just don't order it, cook it or eat it too much. There is a current commercial for the Wendy's Baconator that makes me laugh every time I see it now. I may need to get RB some Wendy's gift cards so he can have an endless supply of bacon. There may be one in your Christmas stocking too, Nat Rat! Cheers to bacon, I guess.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Seadris...

I finished Running with Scissors last week and began Me Talk Pretty One Day by Daivd Sedaris (Thanks, Heidi for the loaner). I am only one chapter in. EVERYONE says this is his best book. After reading and laughing out loud at Naked, I just can't imagine how it can top it. It will accompany me on my evening bike rides at the Y.


This was posted as ND's facebook status last night:Natalie Depp is hanging out on the couch with Rowan and facebook chatting with JK who is also hanging out on her couch (but with Green Bean, not Rowan).
And I updated my facebook status to:Jennifer Keen is see Natalie Depp's status!


Last night we watched two very scandalous Lifetime movies and Office Space. We snacked on all the junk food we could score from the gas station...Green Bean stayed at my place and was late for work. We both ate too much trash and sacked out! That was the most sleep I have had in quite a while, goodness! I am wasted tired today as a result. A trip to the YMCA must happen after work followed by plans to cook spaghetti for Green Bean and maybe Holly Bof if she gets out of class early enough.

Oh, and I met Holly for lunch at the Chimes for lunch!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Linnzi Zaorski

Check her out here

She was at Red Star last night. It was quite the show! I may be traveling to Nola to see her again soon. It appears she performs regularly at Mimi's in the Marigny. Oh, and it was Frank's bday last night so Red Star was special fun last night.

Friday, August 22, 2008

after Belding...

late night was fun too. Juno and all...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mr. Belding in the house

Ha! Mr. Belding is in the big BR filming a movie and he stopped by Red Star to karaoke for us.

Love you, Justin and Erik!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not So Happy's

Too much drama!!! Thanks ML for embarrassing the shit out of me with HG. That was insane. I left a vm for him so I could apologize, haven't heard back from him yet though :( And why of all nights did you have to jet so freakin' early LB? I needed some female back-up on that one. Seriously!

Nice outfit btw!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today is the opening of my 7th store! This looks like it will be the easiest open yet. Awesome manager, very prepared and trained crew, less stress for us!

Shout out to ND on her first day of grad school (or skool as she would type...)!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Friday I worked a little late (8:30ish) then met Nat Rat and RB at Red Star. Erin M, Lacy and Joel were also there. Many drinks and laughs later it was time to head home. Thanks for the ride ND! I totally forgot my car wasn't at my house the next morning when I walked out (in the rain) to go to work...yikes! Work kind of sucked on Saturday. It was a full day. Saturday night I went to Boyd's to eat Mexican and watch the Saints! Joel and Lacy came by. At half-time I went to Zippy's to meet LB et al. Got to watch Michael Phelps win. Then off to the Happy Note. I haven't been there in a while, it was a good time. Sunday was spent being extremely lazy and unproductive. I went to dinner at the Chimes and to Ivars for a couple of drinks after with HG, a friend of LB.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Way Exciting Night....

After work, I went by Boyd's to prepare him dinner (a Papa Murphy's Pepperoni Pizza!) and get some food put away for him. After that, I rode my bike over to Green Bean's to dine on pizza with her. She had plans to make brownies for a work function she had today so I stayed around for a taste of brownie...yum! While brownies were baking, I made a music CD on her laptop and read the 2008 top 10 list book. It was quite interesting. I may have to find a copy for myself. Lots of potential trivia answers in that book! I left Bean's about 9:00 and went for a brief bike ride since I did not make it to the gym yesterday. There were lots of guys on skateboards cruising the hood. Watched some tele and was in bed by 11:00, that's a first for me! I am working this weekend :(
Maybe I shouldn't blog if I don't have something interesting to say...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Forgot my Camera!

I NEVER forget it and what a night to not have it. There were some funny scenes...not naming any names, but LB, EM and ML were OOC! I loved that I walked all over the back of my brand new dress too...all night!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Boyd is home! Boyd is home! Boyd is home! like as in home to Spanish Town, back in the neighborhood! AND the sun is shining for the first time in what seems like forever...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I watched Semi Pro with Thomas last night...kind of silly, but funny.

Tonight after a trip to the Y, I am meeting Pipper, a.k.a. Chris, for dinner. He text messaged me while I was in a mtg to make plans. So I guess I will postpone laundry duty I had originally scheduled for tonight so I can catch up with him!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Correction to a previous blog about RB...this is more like it. Not the fancy glass from Tsunami. Notice the empty shot glass (Jager)...


At Red Star last night for MOD night in Mike M's cowboy hat with Darren S. Finally, you made it to the blog!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Hold Steady

After Happy Hour with friends at Red Star, I met PB to see a show at Chelsea's last was great AND I got a baby blue tee!
The Hold Steady

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Get well soon, Buddy. I am hoping you have a speedy recovery!

PS - Pic was taken last Saturday night at Red Star.
Found this older pic of me and Boyd and it is a fav so I decided to add...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Holly Bof

Girlz dinner night with Holly at Sammy's on Highland. It was Monday night at 6:30, how in the hell can it be that busy in that place? AND, where did all of those people go before Sammy's expanded? We had a great time visiting and catching up, talkin' girlie stuff. The only picture we took I feel obligated to post even though neither of us are fans of the photo. Love you, HB!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Met Jason McKenzie for lunch at Capital City Grill and to retrieve the Masters cap he has had for me since his trip in April to the tournament. I love it! Thanks. We walked to Schlitz and Giggles to enjoy a beverage or two and the steamy weather. Blew out my flip flop. Rode home for a new pair of shoes. Went back to Schlitz with Green Bean about 4 then to Hilton bar to see Gabby. Outside of the Hilton, a photographer was taking pictures of a band. One of the guys played guitar and sang for us. Photo below. Went to my apartment with Will to watch Juno (the new drunken tradition). Wild hair brought us to Pville to see Cam Pyle. While there, he told me he will be playing downtown on Thurs. Thank goodness, no road trip this week.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Went to the market with Boyd...big mistake! I had heard he hated it but jeez! We were there for only abut 10 minutes, but long enough for me to score a t-shirt that reads "Atticus Finch is my co-pilot" compliments of Storyville. On to Superior Grill for breakfast...quite interesting. Rhodes, Joel and Lacy joined us. Joel invited us to his parents house for an afternoon swim party....wait! is is 1992 again?...because that's the last time I did that!!! We had a good time though. Dan, the man, wanted to go out later so I met he and Erik at Red Star about 8...walked to Happy's then a quick stop at Dalton's (YUK!) then back to Red Star. Dan and I lost Erik somehow then came back to my place to have fish ice drinks and watch Juno...he had never seen it. I don't think he enjoyed it as he left mid-way though. You kiddin' me? I finished watching and started it again so I could fall asleep to it. Sunday morning brought a craving for a biscuit from Cap Grocery...walk over and they are SOLD OUT! Damn!!! Rick mentions I should go to McDonald's (is he insane?). Hell No! I will now walk to pick up my car so I can visit Sheridan who is slaving away at the Kickball Tournament. Happy Sunday Funday!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Printer Boy

Meeting with printer boy turned out to be not so much a printer boy is in my world tomorrow! Hmmm...what should I do with him now? Any suggestions??? HA

Out with LL!

I had plans to meet up with LL for happy hour yesterday. I have not seen her in forever. Unfortunately, the only picture of the two of us is incredibly it is anyway. Oh, and Boyd came with...second photo...Boyd, I know how you love seeing your pics on the blog the next day!!! Happy Friday.


RB...and yes, you answered to it yesterday...quirky way of drinking beer. Miller lite, on ice, with a lime! As documented in photo from Tsunami bar last night. Such a shame the pic doesn't get the full affect because usually this delicious beverage is consumed in two plastic cups with a napkin between the