Monday, March 17, 2008

Car Repairs

Late last week when on my way home from work I noticed a nice grind sound when coming to a stop in my neighborhood. I know what this sound means even though I am very stupid when it comes to car maintenance and repairs. I need new brake pads. Before I took this job my driving consisted of rainy days or way too cold days for the pink beach cruiser to make it the eight or so blocks to Avoyelle's or if I really needed to leave the neighborhood for groceries, a family visit etc. Now I am driving 1,200-1,500 miles a month for WORK. I am getting paid for my mileage but still. In the last six months, I have had three oil changes, four new tires and now brake pads and my fourth oil change. Geez! Because Chris is off on Monday's I decided to bring the car in today for the work while at lunch. Chris took me to the three places work required I be this afternoon and now am waiting for the call from the mechanic to pick up my car. While being home with nothing better to do, I watched Bee Movie!!! Chris and I went to Blockbuster together. His selections...No Country For Old Men & Rendition; mine...Bee Movie. We watched mine first!


Jud said...

What a guy, letting you watch your movie first and driving you around.

I hope you treat him like a king, or at a least a prince, or titled noble of some sort.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

Jud, I treat him like a King!