Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not So Happy's

Too much drama!!! Thanks ML for embarrassing the shit out of me with HG. That was insane. I left a vm for him so I could apologize, haven't heard back from him yet though :( And why of all nights did you have to jet so freakin' early LB? I needed some female back-up on that one. Seriously!

Nice outfit btw!


Anonymous said...

I promise I'll make it up to you with a very happy red starry night soon! Hell, I might even wear a dress if you're lucky! LOL Sorry for the drama, I swear it's not usually like that with that crew!

Nat D said...

Who is ML? I'm dying to know what happened!

Jud said...

Sounds like it was interesting, whatever the hell happened.

Aquarius said...

Me too, what happened?

Anonymous said...

Fuckin A, lil buddies. Can I cuss here? toodles.
I really am sorry about making happy's unhappy's. I just spouted off the 100% truth at an inppropriate time.
But that's how ML rolls.
aw fiddlesticks. I typed my name first before realizing I'm reduced to ML. ain't that a hoot.
Later tater.