Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Often lately in conversation bacon has come up. It started at breakfast with Boyd and Rhodes several weeks ago at Superior Grill. Rhodes looked like he was in love with his plate when the bacon arrived. Rhodes refers to bacon as "God's Meat". Don't know if I would go that far...went so far as to say he would put a strip of bacon in his beer if it were readily available in bars. Same conversation occurred the following Saturday, again at Superior Grill for brunch. Will and Sheridan accompanied us that particular day. Will thought the conversation quite funny. He repeated it the next day to all who joined us at Mom's for Sunday dinner. He can imitate Rhodes perfectly. Funny! Fast forward a few days, I meet Nat Rat at Red Star to have some cocktails and conversation. Rhodes joined us later. I don't remember exactly how the bacon conversation came up that night, but it did. They tag teamed me. Nat Rat screamed "JK, how can you not like bacon???" "I love bacon". Rhodes was chiming in something about "God's Meat" or "Oh My God, it's the best stuff ever!". I never said I hated it or didn't eat it. I certainly don't buy it; I have on a rare occasion purchased turkey bacon (was told that is not bacon!) but I just don't order it, cook it or eat it too much. There is a current commercial for the Wendy's Baconator that makes me laugh every time I see it now. I may need to get RB some Wendy's gift cards so he can have an endless supply of bacon. There may be one in your Christmas stocking too, Nat Rat! Cheers to bacon, I guess.


Nat D said...

I can't believe I forgot to tell Rhodes that Parasol's has bacon vodka.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

You MUST be kidding! I am going to google it now...
That is just wrong.

Aquarius said...

I love bacon too, as long as it's crispy - almost burnt. But paired up with a cheeseburger, that's over the top, artery wise. Another thing that's wrong - spam! People in Hawaii just love spam. ???

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

oh, goodness....i don't even know what to say about spam. nor do i know what it is. does anyone?

Anonymous said...

Everyone likes bacon, Jenn. You're just a weirdo on this one, among a million other issues.