Tuesday, September 16, 2008

tired today

I feel lately I can't tell a difference in these sometimes. I have been working a lot, having fun when possible and rarely at home. I need to make some adjustments. Since our "Saturdays are mandatory" mandate at work almost two months ago, I feel like I haven't handled personal business...shopping, paying attention to mail/ bills, laundry, eating properly, laundry, cleaning, personal appointments (I need a freakin' haircut so bad; I look as though I am attempting to channel Crystal Gail), did I mention laundry? Since I only had a couple of hours of sleep, I guess I am just cranky and wanting to complain. I feel like I need two whole back-to-back days off, one for rest and one to get some shite done! Keeping my fingers crossed for this Saturday and Sunday, LSU plays away....might be a possibility. AND I don't feel any sense of "normalcy" has returned to my life since the hurricane. I have not re-established my quirky routines yet. Tonight was an attempt with a trip to the gym for the first time in three weeks (OMG, that was tough), followed by a few errands and a trip to my moms, dinner at home, hot bath, bed clothes on before 9:00 and hopefully sound asleep soon. Oh, and now that I have put a few groceries in the fridge following the extensive power outage, I will have coffee at home in the morning for the first time in weeks as well! That makes EVERYTHING better.


Aquarius said...

Yeah, working Saturdays is tough. I do it 4 months out of the year when the legislature is in session, and I literally have no social life. Not that it's so hot anyway ;)

Nat D said...

Right here with you JK, it's so hard adjusting after the hurricane. It will get better. Internets WILL come back on at my house, and your laundry WILL get done.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the laundry. I have like 7 loads to do. My freezer is being fixed today!! I'm taking off Friday, so I have three days to do stuff. Hopefully after this weekend, life we normal be normal again.