I feel lately I can't tell a difference in these sometimes. I have been working a lot, having fun when possible and rarely at home. I need to make some adjustments. Since our "Saturdays are mandatory" mandate at work almost two months ago, I feel like I haven't handled personal business...shopping, paying attention to mail/ bills, laundry, eating properly, laundry, cleaning, personal appointments (I need a freakin' haircut so bad; I look as though I am attempting to channel Crystal Gail), did I mention laundry? Since I only had a couple of hours of sleep, I guess I am just cranky and wanting to complain. I feel like I need two whole back-to-back days off, one for rest and one to get some shite done! Keeping my fingers crossed for this Saturday and Sunday, LSU plays away....might be a possibility. AND I don't feel any sense of "normalcy" has returned to my life since the hurricane. I have not re-established my quirky routines yet. Tonight was an attempt with a trip to the gym for the first time in three weeks (OMG, that was tough), followed by a few errands and a trip to my moms, dinner at home, hot bath, bed clothes on before 9:00 and hopefully sound asleep soon. Oh, and now that I have put a few groceries in the fridge following the extensive power outage, I will have coffee at home in the morning for the first time in weeks as well! That makes EVERYTHING better.
Yeah, working Saturdays is tough. I do it 4 months out of the year when the legislature is in session, and I literally have no social life. Not that it's so hot anyway ;)
Right here with you JK, it's so hard adjusting after the hurricane. It will get better. Internets WILL come back on at my house, and your laundry WILL get done.
I hear you on the laundry. I have like 7 loads to do. My freezer is being fixed today!! I'm taking off Friday, so I have three days to do stuff. Hopefully after this weekend, life we normal be normal again.
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