Circa 2002 = the last time I wore a watch on my arm. The battery died and I never replaced it. I have been semi-holding out for a particular watch I have wanted for many years. I have now come to grips with the facts that A.) no one else is going to buy it for me and B.) I will never spend that much money on myself. This morning I ran across my old watch while looking for something else and remember my friend, Jeffrey Culotta, is a manager at Lee Michael's in the Mall of Louisiana and decide I will bring watch with me today with a possible trip to visit Jeffrey and perhaps repair the watch. I text him mid morning to ask if he is working, if they have the battery I need for my model watch, and how much it would cost (I mean watch batteries can't be that expensive right???). He calls me after lunch to tell me I will have to go by and have them open the watch to see the battery and if they have in stock. He would be there until 5:00. I now have an operating wrist watch for the first time in 6 or 7 years. He replaced it for free, thanks buddy! I am caught in a place of excitement to wear a watch I once loved and the liberating place I found myself in by not wearing a watch. It is ticking, we will see if I decide to actually wear it!
I feel naked without a watch, which is ridiculous since I seem to check my phone for the time more than I check my watch. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I can't get that cute typewriter key necklace out of my mind, and I think I'm going to order one too, so thanks for that. Also, thanks for re-posing the astro reading. I'd like to do an update for you on your next birthday if that's okay.
Like aquarius, I feel naked without a watch but I don't use it for checking the time. I also use my cell phone.
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