No one would have ever guessed I have spent most of my adult working career as an event planner because as I was anxiously researching and planning my weekend of downtown fun, I never thought about checking a weather forecast! 40 degrees and rainy and all of my planned events are outdoors...GREAT! I am most disappointed about having to call my mom and cancel our plans for the Mardi Gras Mambo race tomorrow morning. It is again going to be cold and raining...big boo! As for tomorrow night's festivities...have to wait and see if the weather clears up. But when all else fails...
there is always RED STAR!
Rain and 40? Sounds like spring in Seattle. Why would that slow you down?
Just kidding. I plan to be bundled up warmly on the morrow as I sit in the gym of the Methodist church as I watch my daughter cheer pee-wee church league basketball. How exciting is my life? Oh, and we aren't even Methodist!
ha, that is cute though!
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