So I have decided to significantly cutback on the amount of coffee I am drinking. I am now limiting myself to my morning 3 cups. Before, I would continue drinking coffee once arriving to work until about 10:30, then switch to water until a diet coke with lunch, water after lunch until the "want to go to sleep part of the afternoon", which usually hits about 3:00 (about now), then I would usually have another cup of coffee then switch back to water. So today is day one...
I am getting tired following a lite lunch of just tuna (no bread) and I want to run out to Starbucks, CC's or PJ's bad! I will be strong and at least make it through day one. I am working until about 8:30 tonight so it really seems like a long time ahead of me with NO coffee.
I am sure I will feel much better after about 3 or 4 days of cutting back on the coffee, not to mention how much money I will save by not going to CCs or Starbucks!
Have you lost your mind?!? Why would you want to turn you back on your friend, your pal and mine coffee? Coffee has been there for you during the good times - at the wedding reception in a beautiful silver pot; in college on the eve of a big exam, in a styrofoam cup. On the day after St. Paddy's when you had to work. Only three cups? I am aghast.
Think of the rich aroma, the pleasant taste, and warm, refreshing taste you will be giving up. And for what? To save a few bucks? Brew your own.
And think about what you are doing to the economies of central America, Africa, Jamaica and Hawaii (depending on your preferred blend) by turning your back on coffee? Many farmers will have to resort to growing chronic, or heroin poppies or coca plants to make cocaine if you turn your back on coffee, thereby making the drug problem in this country even worse.
Do you really want that on your conscience? I don't.
And I don't care if Natalie hates coffee and is probably applauding your efforts to quit.
You'll feel better in 3 or 4 days? I doubt it. Your conscience will gnaw at you for letting go one thing that has always been good and right in your life.
And what will you try to replace coffee with? Tea? You strike me as far too intelligent to fall into that trap. Soda? Well I enjoy a nice diet soda as much as the next person, but it's not coffee.
So, whenever you read this, hug your mug. Clean it, and make yourself a nice pot of coffee. Listen to the water dripping into the filter, savor the sweet smell of it brewing, and enjoy a cup of warm, refreshing, delicious coffee. I think I shall have a cup, too.
Wow, your comment may make me change my mind! I especially like the part about the farmers having to resort to chronic or heroin...lol.
Really, I am applauding you. Gross! I need to quit drinking coke again. I'm back on the sauce, and it's very unhealthy.
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