So I have to set this one up for all of you...
Last night Collin came over so we could walk over to the grand Mardi Gras display that was the Krewe of Jupiter...pretty awful. We did not stay long because a. it was like ten degrees outside and b. Collin's dog Leo had apparently never been exposed to a bass drum so when the first marching band rounded the corner all 100ish pounds of Leo drag Collin back in the direction of my house. I walked over to give all of my beads to the genderless child (I say this because the kid was so bundled up I could not tell if it were a he or a she) and we walked back to my apartment. We opened a bottle of wine we got for Christmas and drank as we eagerly awaited Red Star's 8:00pm opening. Collin goes on to tell the following story...
The LSU Small Business Incubator is a service to assist people with business ideas in starting their company. MBA students can work/ volunteer for this program. A former MBA student was asked about the strangest idea he remembered while working there. He said this was before his time at the Incubator but was the most legendary of all who had come through. K.G. Robichaux approached LSU many years ago about the "Solution to America's Metric Conversion"...his answer..."The Robie"!
This is the text of the email that was forwarded to me which I also found funny...
For those of you still interested in the current efforts to solve
America's metric conversion crisis, I proudly present to you: The
Robie Standard Conversion Table(c)(R).
Some of my personal favorite points of interest:
1. "The Robie (which please notice he trademarked the name) will one day rule the world".
2. Goodies Headache Powder = $4.92 Robie
3. 1 Robie = 100% Pure
4. Robiespoon
5. Robie Shot
So just in case anyone is confused by our newly adopted system, let me break it down for you...
You could go out and buy a car, which you would pay for in "Robies", they will tell you it gets X "Robies" (formerly miles) to the X "Robie" (formerly gallons), and they will tell you how roomy your new car is in "Robies" (formerly cubic feet). Oh and for anyone in the jewelry market, he has you covered too...the "Robie" has replaced the Karat!
1 comment:
Funny because I know someone with the last name Robey. Too bad the spelling isn't the same!
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