My sister is coming home for a couple of days. I am soooo very excited to see her. I haven't seen her since Christmas, way too long. She is staying with me tonight but won't be in until about midnight. I am sure this will mean another trip to Red Star (her favorite bar and mine). I must stay away from the red wine! Ouch, I still hurt. Mom is cooking for us tomorrow and she promised to cook enough for us to take leftovers home...yippy! Although, we are not meeting until 4 at her house and I have to be home in time to watch the SAG Awards, everyone will have to eat fast or I will have to convince my dad to let me watch on their TV. I love award shows! This writers strike must end so we can have the Oscars this year.
Oh, and the VW logo is for Kristen, she bought one this week.
Happy new car to Kristen. And, I am ignorant, but I need clarification on "Red Star".
Red Star is a bar. www.redstarbar.com
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