Thursday, March 27, 2008

Black Beans

Usually the chore of grocery shopping Chris and I do together. This is a result of me going alone and the question being asked when I return..."Where are all of the snacks?" Shopping and cooking arrangements have somewhat changed since Chris changed jobs. I will make a list and he shops. I mentally go through a few menu items and then add the everyday staples we may need to a list I write at night while he is at work and the following day he will shop while I am at work. Planning meals to cook for just me at night that he can heat and have for lunch the next day has been a bit tricky. We have been using the slow-cooker a lot. Maybe too much! I find it very funny to look through the groceries he returns with that were not on the list. Example: Black Beans. I think he bought six cans of black beans! Whats a girl to do with that many cans of Black Beans??? I am now looking online for black bean recipes to use the darn things. Suggestions?


Jud said...

I will make it my mission this weekend to find black bean recipes for you and Chris to try.

Make you can make crafts with them, too....

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

I found a few last night when I was bored and surfing the web. I am going to make a tex-mex style dinner on Sat or Sun.