Thursday, March 6, 2008

I am a victim!

When I checked the voicemail on my personal cell today at lunch (which I only do about twice a week - I just keep the number because I have had it over a decade), I had a voicemail from an Investigator Sosa. The message states I must return the call today as there is a possibility someone in the Dallas area is using my social security number! I returned the call to find out this private investigation firm was hired by a Dallas apartment complex when an applicant's rental history was flagged because the name and social security numbers did not match. This investigator will confirm there is criminal activity and then contact the Dallas DA's office to press charges. Towards the end of the call, I became a little suspicious because she was confirming the last four digits of my social, my home address, my phone number and finally my employer. She had my employer as Pizza Hut. I told her that was correct, even though it isn't because I have no idea how she would have gotten such information. I am now thinking my sneaky ex-husband is up to something tricky concerning our property settlement which is STILL not complete after 3+ years of divorce!!! Maybe I am paranoid?


Nat D said...

that is spooky. don't give them information. go to ~free credit report-dot-com~ (in sing-song voice) and check your credit report.

Jud said...

That is spooky. I was not unaware of an ex and that kind o' drama in your life.

Jud said...

Don't believe them for a minute. If fraud is suspected, they would have gone to the Police first and not hired an investigator, methinks.

Can you trace the phone number (with caller ID, Google, etc) and verify that back story, and/or call the Dallas PD to look into it?

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

i called the number back after hours and it was a recording for the investigator firm. i looked them up via google. i am still going to follow up with a check on my credit.

jud - yes, lots o drama