I remember really enjoying the book Into the Wild when I was younger so was excited to pick up Sean Penn's movie version (Chris told me he wrote the screenplay and directed it). I guess I was too exhausted from work (left the office at 8) to watch any movie last night. I was asleep about 1/3 into it (if watching a movie in bed, I usually don't make it that far!). I will attempt to watch the remaining 2/3 tomorrow night I guess. But tomorrow night may not be much better. 2 hour manager meeting at lunch (fun fun) then off to every store to change out some window marketing materials. Starting tomorrow, we will have a Family Size (16") 2-Topping for $8.99 advertised in the window!!!
Meanwhile, I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. I will post some pictures as soon as I have time to get them off of my camera - maybe by Wednesday. Holly and her mom joined us for lunch Sunday and Hank, Holly's pup, came by for a bit to play with mom's new pup Mattie...those are the funny pictures.
So how were the ribs?
The 16" pie sounds like a deal, and I imagine you will sell a bunch of them.
Oh, the ribs. They were good but I musy post soon about my quirky eating habits (ribs are not my fav)
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