I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday. I was overly emotional about things that shouldn't take control of my day or mood. The guys I work with call me Zen because of my yoga practices and occasional meditation (very occasional), but my lack of practicing either lately must be coming out in a weird way. I was a mess yesterday!
I had yet another very frustrating work day due to IT problems. It got to a point where I was exchanging nasty emails with the IT guy because he was being mean about my inability to switch to this new server we have in place. I am having to email him from my gmail account because my work email is only receiving (or was until 4:00pm on Monday, I haven't received a new one since then). I still have no instructions for my blackjack phone on transferring to new exchange server! So I think I should just stay home and play or go to movies because I cannot perform any of my work functions!
I also got my feelings hurt about something at work I won't discuss in blog in case one of the guys reads today's entry...but I just felt left out of something important to the development of our company and since I was the second employee I feel like I have a special place and like to be included in important meetings/ discussions. Ok...sorry for the vent!
Last night on my long commute home from Denham Springs I decided that I would go to the gym and work out some of the work frustrations! I called Natalie to see if she wanted to meet me but apparently she is still in recovery from exciting weekend! Journeyed on to YMCA by myself and enjoyed a nice cardio session and ab workout. Hurried home to shower and change so I could meet Green Bean out at Red Star, we haven't been out in a while together!
Green Bean,
Thanks for listening to me vent about work! I know it gets old. You're a good friend!!!
Thanks for listening to me vent even more when I got home. I know it gets old. You're a good boyfriend!!! I know you wanted to share all of the first-day-on-the-job stories and I took control of all conversations about my stupid day at work. Sorry. I will cook dinner tonight and do nothing but listen!
I am hoping today will be a better day at work and that today doesn't see me involved in a murder with someone in IT!
I am glad I got all of that out. Now I will go do a little yoga before my commute to DS again today.
I'm sorry I couldn't join you. Any other time...
Oh yeah, and have a better day today!
All Good
Sounds like a pretty bad day. Hopefully there were some good tunes on the radio.
Sounds like Chris is the "real deal" and you need to hang on to him.
Remember, Jen, Coffee makes everything better;) !
coffee is exactly what i need! there is a shiny new starbucks across the street from the new store! i will go now
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