Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mood Changers...

No matter how crappy your day or mood, there are subtle things in life that snap you into a really good place. I will share mine from this morning...
2. A walk to the grocery for a cup of coffee.
3. Farmer's Market.
4. Meeting a good friend and her dog there.
5. Seeing friend holding fresh flowers purchased at market.
6. Walk home and realizing how groovy my neighborhood is for the millionth time. Someone left some vinyls on the sidewalk for anyone's pleasure or pick-up.

7. A drive down River Road
8. Music, oh music. Today's selections. Enjoy.


Nat D said...

love that you referred to your neighborhood as "groovy"! I can't wait to see your additional notes on last night... I kind of got tired of blogging after the exciting news of Andrea. You just can't beat that. I didn't want to post about her making out with her director or being carried out because I thought she was nice. Oops, I guess I did just write about that.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

too funny!

Jud said...

Some very neat music. I liked the way you described your morning, and the simple things that can make you smile.

I will try to remember your steps for correcting a bad day the next time I have one.

Aquarius said...

Hi...After I posted about my disdain for mayo, Jud referred me to your blog in mentioning your "food rules". I couldn't find them, but from what he said, nothing from a bone, nothing from a shell, nothing white, sounds interesting.

Loved the music, esp. Joshua Radin. Dave Matthews is here tonight in Honolulu playing a benefit concert with Jack Johnson. Dave Matthews Band has always been a favorite. thanks.