Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Block

I haven't opened a book for leisure reading in over a week now...it is driving me completely batty. I have nothing lined up to be my next read. Usually I have at least three or four on deck. I have read everything in my apartment short of the phone book at this point. I thought I could thumb through my program from the recent Louisiana Book festival for inspiration. There are many books listed that peaked my interest but nothing screamed "read me now". For me a trip to a big box for a book is useless because I am a total product of all book marketing ploys B & N so proudly on display. I never have a half day to spend in there really digging for something off the wall/intelligent/interesting to read. I am a "judge a book by its cover" kind a gal and the first fancy cover with a semi-interesting summary is in hand and waiting in the 10 person deep line for check out so that I have something/anything to read prior to bed.
I have a few options, I figure:
1. Re-read a classic (ie: Fountainhead, To Kill a Mockingbird, or Love in the Time of Cholera - top three choices when browsing the book shelf in current mood).
2. Read something I have put off my entire life but need to read just to call myself a literate human (ie: Anna Karenina, The Republic, Don Quixote or War and Peace).
3. Read something recommended by a friend (this being most unlikely option as there are only a handful of people who recommend books I would consider reading - hopefully I can catch a comment from one of them. Since one of them no longer reads my blog, I will also post as a note on facebook in hopes she catches this posting there).
I was recently told about "Catching the Big Fish" by David Lynch...anyone read it?
Ideas on anything else? Suggestions? Please nothing too trendy.


Nat D said...

Right now I'm reading From Poor Law to Welfare State and Oncology Social Work. Riveting! I'll check my shelves and get abck to you..

Anonymous said...

I only have murder mystery stuff and I know you don't like that. I read The Republic in college and it's actually interesting. BTW, Water for Elephants is really good so far. Thanks

Aquarius said...

If you liked Fountainhead, have you read Atlas Shrugged? I really got hooked on that one. My favorite author is Alice Hoffman.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

Thanks everyone for the book suggestions! I ran across a book that was popular a few years back (thanks to OW Book Club), Lovely Bones. Heidi and I swapped books a while back and I still have her copy. I guess I forgot about it. After working extremely late last night, by the time I got in bed I was so tired I think I only made it about six pages.