I haven't opened a book for leisure reading in over a week now...it is driving me completely batty. I have nothing lined up to be my next read. Usually I have at least three or four on deck. I have read everything in my apartment short of the phone book at this point. I thought I could thumb through my program from the recent Louisiana Book festival for inspiration. There are many books listed that peaked my interest but nothing screamed "read me now". For me a trip to a big box for a book is useless because I am a total product of all book marketing ploys B & N so proudly on display. I never have a half day to spend in there really digging for something off the wall/intelligent/interesting to read. I am a "judge a book by its cover" kind a gal and the first fancy cover with a semi-interesting summary is in hand and waiting in the 10 person deep line for check out so that I have something/anything to read prior to bed.
I have a few options, I figure:
1. Re-read a classic (ie: Fountainhead, To Kill a Mockingbird, or Love in the Time of Cholera - top three choices when browsing the book shelf in current mood).
2. Read something I have put off my entire life but need to read just to call myself a literate human (ie: Anna Karenina, The Republic, Don Quixote or War and Peace).
3. Read something recommended by a friend (this being most unlikely option as there are only a handful of people who recommend books I would consider reading - hopefully I can catch a comment from one of them. Since one of them no longer reads my blog, I will also post as a note on facebook in hopes she catches this posting there).
I was recently told about "Catching the Big Fish" by David Lynch...anyone read it?
Ideas on anything else? Suggestions? Please nothing too trendy.
Right now I'm reading From Poor Law to Welfare State and Oncology Social Work. Riveting! I'll check my shelves and get abck to you..
I only have murder mystery stuff and I know you don't like that. I read The Republic in college and it's actually interesting. BTW, Water for Elephants is really good so far. Thanks
If you liked Fountainhead, have you read Atlas Shrugged? I really got hooked on that one. My favorite author is Alice Hoffman.
Thanks everyone for the book suggestions! I ran across a book that was popular a few years back (thanks to OW Book Club), Lovely Bones. Heidi and I swapped books a while back and I still have her copy. I guess I forgot about it. After working extremely late last night, by the time I got in bed I was so tired I think I only made it about six pages.
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