Met Jason McKenzie for lunch at Capital City Grill and to retrieve the Masters cap he has had for me since his trip in April to the tournament. I love it! Thanks. We walked to Schlitz and Giggles to enjoy a beverage or two and the steamy weather. Blew out my flip flop. Rode home for a new pair of shoes. Went back to Schlitz with Green Bean about 4 then to Hilton bar to see Gabby. Outside of the Hilton, a photographer was taking pictures of a band. One of the guys played guitar and sang for us. Photo below. Went to my apartment with Will to watch Juno (the new drunken tradition). Wild hair brought us to Pville to see Cam Pyle. While there, he told me he will be playing downtown on Thurs. Thank goodness, no road trip this week.

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