Green Bean and I made what I thought would be a quick trip to the market for Gustav booze...not so much. Apparently everyone in the city of Baton Rouge decided to visit the Albertson's on Government Street at the exact time we did. It was complete chaos in there! Children screaming and running unsupervised, empty shelves (other than liquor dept...only reason we were there. Oh, and cards and batteries too). Panic central here in BR, La!!!
We are set with tons of vodka, sprite zero, beer, red wine and blueberry vodka for GB, which she refers to as blueberry muffins. KK is on her way to my place. She stayed at Mom's last night since I did have to work this morning. I am very excited to see her and potentially spend DAYS with her!
Should be a pretty chilled next few days as we sit and wait for Gustav's arrival. Will spend the remainder of Saturday and all of Sunday watching football, fixing cocktails and playing some cards, maybe scrabble too. I hope everyone is as prepared.
Oh, and LSU win #1 for 2008 season!!! Go tigers. It was such an early game, earliest one ever played in Tiger Stadium. It just meant the students had to bump up drinking start time to about 3:00AM with a 10:00AM kickoff. The early start didn't seem to deter any fans. It was a packed house. Sold a little pizza too, not so bad. I did get a chance to tailgate for an hour or so last night with Cousin Will and some of his buddies since I knew I would miss out today. Was fun as I attended with PB although he may think I am insane now. Tentative plans with PB for later in the day...not sure how I will incorporate that in with my girls...have to think about that one.
Happy weekend all!
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