I have not been an Event Planner since like 2005 people! How come none of you can remember this tid bit? Ha! Every function I somehow get put in charge of planning. This is either because I once was an event planner or because I go out enough to make people believe I know EVERYTHING to do on ANY given night and EVERYWHERE "cool" to go. Tomorrow is Holly Bof's birthday and I am now making ALL of our party plans. Open for suggestions. Holly says "But you know BR"...lol...what the heck? Bof, you live here just like me!!! Here are points of discussion for tomorrow's plans:
1. It is going to storm tomorrow, so I am officially cancelling Live After Five (I am now on the Downtown Merchants' Event Planning Committee).
2. There are Friday Happy Hours everywhere. Some of my favorites:
A. Chelseas
B. Chimes
C. Cadilac Cafe' (kidding, just wanted another "C")
D. Zee Zee's
3. I am sure all roads lead to downtown after Happy Hour. There are just too many options to please any taste all within walking distance. Live music, Martinis, Wine, Frat Boys, Dancing, etc. whatever floats your boat.
4. If dinner needs to be plugged in somewhere, that needs to occur between HH and DTown.
Note: Dinner could be eaten at HH location if we choose option A, B or D.
5. Fun will be had by all no matter what I plan.
6. Photos will be evidence of Point #5.
Amendment to points: We must make plans soon, I have several people to coordinate on this project!!!
Where would the Sorority Girls be? I mean, I was with you up until the "Frat Boys", and unless that is the name of a band you can count me out on that one, unless we are going to make fun of their Hollister clothes, and recall how in the 80s the style was to wear two polo shirts with the collars up.
First and foremost, we all know that you are the party planner amongst our circle of friends. Furthermore, what fun is it to plan your own bday celebration???
HH and downtown sound great to me, however, I need to have some sort of food for absorbtion purposes. Although that could just be eating a Luna or something of the sort. I'm with Jud, no frat boys and maybe just maybe I can see my mullet friend that I made last weekend at Red Star. Fun and pics are a must!!
I have reunion stuff. Boooooo! If you feel like seeing the few EHSers who are in town, I think we are supposed to be at the Happy Note for drinks at some point. When I find out the plans exactly, I'll let Jen know.
Oh, BTW I like the new profile picture.
what is live at five, and I mean why does it need to be cancelled due to weather? is this an outdoor event?
yes, an outdoor concert series
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