So I woke up a little late this morning (6:45 - still early to most of the world, but late to me)and was a little scattered because my routine was off a bit. In a rush, I start off at the grocery in my hood to pick up a couple of things before running some errands for work. The two parking places in front of the store are filled with the likes of some state worker's vehicle, so I am forced to park on the side of the store (on 7th which is one way and will force me to take three more blocks to get back on track, but whatever). In a rush, I hurry towards the store, round the corner to hear "hey you!"...some of you know...some of you don't, but this can only mean Boyd. Red-eyed and hazy looking (see photo taken of us last night; Boyd and I were lucky enough to see the three hottest girls in BR(according to Boyd) all within five minutes!!!) he is dumping his two quarters into the newspaper machine (a daily Boyd routine, which he has too many to get into in this short blog post). He too is going into the store. We chat for a sec while he tells me the events of last night as if I were not there, I remind him I was with him, we chat more...he leaves me to grab himself a fountain soda (breakfast of champs, Boyd) and I get in line to checkout.
Backgournd Info: The grocery has a small kitchen and daily prepare biscuits, which sell out daily by about 10:00AM.
The lady in front of me bought an assortment of breakfast biscuit sandwiches...I think like 25. Her bill was almost $40, for breakfast! Anyway, Mike (store owner) and biscuit lady have this exchange:
M: You know you can call a day in advance with large orders and we can have it ready for you.
BL: We were unsure of breakfast until about 10 minutes ago.
M: Yea, but you can call in advance the day before with large orders.
BL: OK, we will know for next time. Chances are these will always be last minute decisions.
M: Well breakfast shouldn't be a decision.
Translation - You just wiped me out, bitch!
Meanwhile, there is a child (solo) behind me in line staring at the lady taking all of the biscuits. She is looking worried. There are now two left in the case.
BL to me and child: Are you here for breakfast too?
Me: No
Child: Yes, for my mom and dad (she is holding a fountain soda - what is up with that? and quart of milk)
Child to Me: What are you here for? (I am holding nothing but a purse and keys)
Me to Child with confessing look about my face: Cigarettes
Child: Oh
Child: Those are gross
Me: I know
Child: Then why are you getting them?
Me: They are for someone else
Child: Sure they are
BL leaves and is now my turn to check out. Mike and I make small talk about the weather. I say I am trying to beat the rain. Mike tells of the weather forcasters never "getting it right" with their predictions
Child Interjects: Actually they are right most of the time!
Mike: Well not in my world.
Mike: Jen, your hair looks very nice today. Did you "fix" it?
Me: umm, no.
(WTF??? I know I am not great with the whole hair thing or what to do with it, but I think he was trying to say it normally looks like crap)
On the way out of the store, I hear behind me...
Mike: Have a nice day Jen
Child: Bye Lady
Boyd: See ya Jen
What shall today bring when it starts that way?
Funny story - wipin' out the biscuits. Could they not have made more? I know it would be a rush and last minute and all, just asking.
How old was the kid? Remarkably perceptive young'un.
I enjoy my morning paper, even if I don't get to read it in its entirety until the evening.
So, was your hair a mess, or what? Anything unusual, or was the grocer just being nice?
That is an excellent post, Jen. Sorry I didn't make it out to meet y'all last night, I ate dinner and got really wrapped up in a bunch of nothing. Then when I remembered that I was supposed to meet y'all I was getting into bed...which is right when you texted me. Yes, I get in bed really early! Come over for drinks tomorrow and bring your peeps!
Your hair normally looks nice. Maybe he just felt bad because the kid had been sassy to you.
Good story Jen! Also, great pic of you and Serio too
Thanks, my ladies!
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