Saturday, January 24, 2009

Busy Bee

Work has been insane. Three store managers short, a first time visit from company president and a new store opening on tuesday. I feel as though i haven't had time to come up for air and there is no end in sight to the busy schedule as Super Bowl and Valentine's day approach which are two of the three busiest days of the year for us. Yikes! I just had one but already feel like I need another vacation. :(


Jud said...

Soon it will be Spring and then perhaps you can have your break in the warmth of the sun, with your toes digging into the sand, as the waves dance around your feet.

finicky said...

is that the bee from the simpsons? sweet! good luck. better to be busy than unemployed obviously.

jennifer elizabeth keen said...

Jud - Man do I need a break! I have never been this overwhelmed by work...I have actually come to a point where I feel I am unable to keep up after working minimum 15 hours daily. Somethings got to give here

Finicky - Yep Simpsons!