Thursday, January 29, 2009


Just finishing up work for the day, well not finished but mentally can't do anymore and have nothing to blog other than I REALLY miss my friends and family :( I feel so disconnected...I love all of you and miss you terribly. Hope to see you soon too!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Busy Bee

Work has been insane. Three store managers short, a first time visit from company president and a new store opening on tuesday. I feel as though i haven't had time to come up for air and there is no end in sight to the busy schedule as Super Bowl and Valentine's day approach which are two of the three busiest days of the year for us. Yikes! I just had one but already feel like I need another vacation. :(

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I left the bed...

to attend Lisa's "Swingin" 34th birthday party! The Swinger/ 70's themed event was quite a success. Very impressed by the outfits and hairstyles. Kind of bumbed now I didn't shop for a special outfit for this one :(

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What happened to JK?

I don't think I have spent this much time at home, much less in bed, in quite some time. It hasn't been such a good thing; I have spent way too much time getting reconnected via internets. At one point yesterday, I had a gmail and facebook chat going, was twittering with Aquarius, texting and emailing from new iphone and replying to email on computer...all while downloading a ton of music on itunes! Wow, complete information overload. I am not exactly sure which part of it is most disturbing, but I do know it is high time for JK to get OUT OF THE BED!!! Natalie's FB status this"Natalie thinks that Jennifer Keen's cold has resulted in her becoming a fan of way too many things overnight." Ok, point taken...I'm getting out to go to the office, maybe face the world for a bit (if I can break away from the computer that is). Ha! Pic is of my comfy new home, confined to bed...all of the essentials are there :)

She writes a letter. Single-spaced. Breathless. No pauses. Just lets it run together and rush like the bottom of the waterfall. She rides her bike to his house. Takes the long way but pedals fast. And then she slides those liquid words under his door. Into the chaos of his heart.
- Persistance of Yellow

Friday, January 16, 2009

thursday night out

attended a wine and cheese tasting at the LSU Museum of Art sponsored by Whole Foods, a stop in at Happy's Irish Pub for drinks and jukebox domination then settled at Roux House to see a band that was pretty good even though outdoor sign advertised Cam Pyle (my fav) and it wasn't him

Day in Bed

After going out for a bit last night, which I seriously considered cancelling, I woke up 10 steps behind with the illness. Couldn't talk, head throbbing, and a cough that wouldn't quit. I didn't go to work, not the best time to miss and have spent the day in and out of a sleepy fog and haze. Nyquil/ Theraflu are pretty potent for me. Even after waking from the med-induced sleep, I don't feel "awake". I drove over to Natalie's to pick something up and as I sit here about four hours later I swear I do not remember driving there or back home. I guess that is the reason for the "do not operate heavy machinery" warning???

Thursday, January 15, 2009

for PB

Thank you for the kind words and very lovely letter...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My sister cracks me up!

Not sure who of the blog readers may be familiar with facebook or the workings of but my sister has been on facebook for quite some time and sent this message to me tonight...

"no lol, you are a shining star! i just learned how to im, take pictures from face book and send them to email, and how to write on a wall!!! on a roll over here"

ABOUT TIME SHE FIGURES IT OUT! Welcome to 2009 K Keen!!! me on Twitter, lol!

Oh and I had din din with Dan, GB and Nat at Chelsea's...Grilled Cheese and Tomato Basil Soup...hit the spot, yum.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

iPhone finally!

After a way long wait, finally work purchased an iPhone for me :) However it did take a server switch for the office which was not compatible with only one phone of hundreds of Arkel poor blackjack! So here is the first mobile blog by way of Wine Loft bar downtown where I stopped to say hello to Ms. Fay since I haven't seen her in forever! Christmas Eve in fact..

The Bulldog Baton Rouge

Some traditions should not be simulated/ duplicated...The Bulldog, New Orleans. The NEW Baton Rouge version hopefully is just experiencing the "Baton Rouge is starved for a new venue" woes. I created a FB group so that a few friends could meet up and check out the scene together. I did invite a long list of people which I guess implied that I was either hosting a private party at the Bulldog or that I had accepted a job there since I received countless messages/ wall posts asking if that were the case. I was also asked what would be the scheduled entertainment for the evening. Thank goodness Nat was prepared with a dog/ cat sketch book and Mad-libs (sp?) in her bag!!! First visit with Matt B was quite nice and relaxing. However, the next two visits (once with Kristen and Shane and once a FB organized function which I will apparently never live down) were both crowded, frat-like nights of waiting to long to be served/ closed out (Murphy's style circa 1993). Although both of the last two visits were on big football nights.The first was the night of the Texas Bowl Game and the second was Saturday a double-header NFL playoff night! The large TVs and tons-o-types of beer I guess make it an attractive place to watch such events. Somehow the early arrivers (Nat, K Fed, Lisa, Liz, Jay etc.) managed to score the comfy seating area in front of the main big screen TV! Area had a large leather sofa and four leather chairs all centered around a huge coffee table. Some in the group decided The Happy Note may be a better alternative for the evening. I hadn't been to the Happy Note in a while; nothing has changed, however. Still strong drinks, still smoke-filled and still same group of peeps; good times though!

I am glad this weekend will see Lisa's swinger/ '70's themed birthday party at the TOL :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Art Benefit

Lollapalooza last night. Good times and even better running into Chris, who taught me tennis bac in the gap...pissed the picture is blurry though.

Friday, January 9, 2009

For Rhodes

This is photo evidence of the much talked about bacon infused vodka at Parasol's. I really didn't believe Nat when she told me about it, but I got to see it with my own eyes. How absolutely disgusting is that???

more NOLA

More photos from last weekend in New Orleans. Saturday we had a late lunch at Sun Ray Cafe in Metarie then on to St. Joe's for their famous blueberry mojitos for 4PM! We headed to Flannigan's in The Quarter to see CC (she was bartending)in a down pour. More rain then I had seen in a while. Parking and walking in the rain was quite fun too. I love a bar with good tunes AND board games. Others played Jenga, I stayed out of that. I did play Connect Four with Shane and won because the bottom fell out on his turn. I guess it was a win by default. There were also random pop culture trivia questions shouted out by CC to win free drinks. We again made it to the 24 hour Lamplighter Lounge for late night. Sunday met up with K-Fed and Nat Rat at Parasol's for lunch then headed home. Shane and Kristen stayed two nights with me, so my KK visit could be extended :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Heart NOLA

A trip to NOLA, finally! Long time a comin'. Hopped in the car with Nat Rat and made our journey down. Arrived about 4 and was hoping for a few hours of R & R at my sister's but apparently she had alternate plans for us which involved immediately jumping in the car and heading to a bar. First on the agenda was Parkview Tavern with Gordon, then on to Winston's to watch Alabama game. Nat and K-Fed joined. Jim eventually met up with us as well. After watching the ass kicking that was the Bama game, we headed over to Lou & Bob's. I was given multiple warnings about Lou & Bob's and what not to expect of the joint. It exceeded all non-expectations I had. Wow! What a dump!!! For those who can relate, think The Time Out Lounge x 10 on the trashy scale. There was however a pretty jamming jukebox in which I made regular deposits so I could control the tunage. About 2AM it was decided we would check out another locale, the Lamplighter Lounge. More cocktails and a battle with a metal head over the control of the jukebox. I saw the sun come up and rounded out the evening/ morning with a trip to Dot's Diner. With at least another 24 hours left in the sister visit, it is very clear why my trips to NOLA are rare...I can't keep up with these crazy kids!

New Year's Eve

Red Star Fun

Friday, January 2, 2009


Received this email from Dan.

Remember the day I had to save you from the Cops! Keep it up Keen…