Every Tuesday I have a Senior Staff Meeting with C & D for 2+ hours. Yesterday C asked if I were bringing snacks for the meeting??? I have never brought snacks before so why now? Then he went on to say he hasn't had a cupcake in years and how cupcakes would be a nice addition to the meeting. I told him I would try to fit baking into my schedule for last night. Two messages came across out inter-office messaging system shortly after.
Message 1 (from D): Can you please make yellow cupcakes with chocolate icing?
Message 2 (from C): I like white cake with chocolate icing.
D won! I bought the baking supplies after work and committed myself to making the cupcakes after my trip to the gym. I have not made cupcakes in years (since my married days, I guess for some school function). The first batch look like a child made them. I filled the paper cups too much and the cupcakes had huge tops that were impossible to apply the icing to. The second batch looked better but still nothing like a cupcake you see in the bakery window. They kind of remind me of the silly looking sugar cookies I attempted to make at Christmas last year. Much like cooking in general, baking must not be my thing.
I wish the market in my neighborhood would have had sprinkles for the cupcakes, but I guess I am lucky they had the rest of the supplies on their four aisles of groceries! Sprinkles can make every ugly cupcake look better.