After hearing Girl's Night was cancelled, Holly Bof was quite disappointed about not going to dinner. I tell her I will join her for dinner and also see if Natalie wants to join us. I say 7:30 (so I can go to the gym), Holly was thinking earlier, Natalie says the earlier the better since she skipped lunch and we all agree on 6:00. I left work a little early and went to the gym. I was only able to workout for 20 minutes. I felt every drop of alcohol and just couldn't do it yesterday.
Holly and I arrive and are forced to park almost in another city. Why has nothing ever been done with the parking over there and with that I-10/ College/ Constitution intersection - that is a freakin' mess too?? We are seated and asked for our drink order. I am tempted to order a margarita. I really don't like them too much (too sour for my taste), but when in Rome...I order a diet coke and Holly a tea and Natalie a coke. Cheese dip too! It is very easy to not eat meat when in a mexican restaurant, lots of bean options. Skimming the menu and listening to Holly talk about certain menu items she has had I learn a few things...1. What a chalupa (sp?) is. 2. Her favorite entree there is fajitas or the Don Hector. 3. Holly eats at Ninfa's a good bit! I settle on a menu item in which I will not remember the name (el something or other) but have a question for the waitress. The description says my entree is a bean and cheese burrito but it is topped with meat gravy. Ummmm, I ask her (waitress) what that is. She does a rather poor job of explaining it. I tell her I am frightened by the term "meat gravy". She is not amused. I order it without the meat on top. When our meals arrive a few minutes later, another waiter delivers them to us. He says "I have no idea what this is, but it looks like a (fill in entree name here) without meat gravy". I say "that is mine. I was afraid of the meat gravy". He says " you should be"! Oh my goodness! This out of the mouth of the guy delivering our food to us. Yikes!!! My food was very yummy. Holly's looked inadequate. Natalie seemed to enjoy hers. I shared my rice, it was yum too. Thanks for dinner, girls.
Oh, and we made tentative plans to see the Sex and the City movie on opening day (May 30th). Holly suggests a matinee. That may be tough for me with work since May 30th is a Friday, but we will see. We hike back to our cars.